lørdag den 24. december 2011

fredag den 16. december 2011

Zynga på børsen

Zynga solgte idag aktier på den amerikanske børs. Det forventes at ville indbringe syv milliarder dollars - ikke dårligt for et firma, der blev grundlagt i 2007. Zynga's model er klar "freemium" - det er gratis at spille spil som Farmville mv. Kun under to procent bruger penge på spillene, men det bliver alligevel til tre millioner dollars om dagen.

Til søs

Vi lever i en global verden, men nationale visa-betingelser er stadig yderst restriktive. For at omgås dette har en driftig iværksætter i Silicon Valley fået den idé at opankre et flydende hotel ud for San Francisco. Her kan iværksættere fra andre lande så bo og tage på dagsturer ind til Californien for at mødes med vc-investorer med videre.

Mad 2.0

I Silicon Valley forsøger mange iværksættere at forbinde mad med teknologi i jagten på nålen i høstakken - eller måske snarere håret i suppen - alias den gode idé: Blandt nye startups er bl.a.:

“There’s Foodbuzz, Foodcaching, Foodia, Foodily, Foodista, Foodler, Foodoro, Foodspotting, Foodtree, Fooducopia, and Foodzie,” said Wade Roush, a local tech journalist. (NYT)

Værsågod og spis!

mandag den 12. december 2011

LeWeb fordi

Franske LeWeb er forbi:

Yes we can - i Europa

Europa haler ind på USA, når det gælder nye Web-start-ups, skriver New York Times:

It’s also illustrated throughout Europe with the dozens of start-ups that are successfully becoming part of the wider cultural fabric. For example, Angry Birds, Spotify, SoundCloud, Last.fm and Cut the Rope are all incredibly successful start-ups that began in Europe and are dominating in the United States.

Yet until recently, there were very few technology products that made their way across the pond to the United States. Most innovations only traveled in the opposite direction.

“There has been a dramatic shift in the last few years with European entrepreneurs who are no longer trying to be copycats of American tech, which was pretty sad. Europeans are now really innovating on their own.” said Loïc Le Meur, a co-founder of the LeWeb conference, during a phone interview from Paris. For several years, European start-ups tried to emulate Silicon Valley, he said, creating products similar to Twitter, Facebook and the whatever was the hot new tech theme of the year in the United States.

Start-up i krise tider

Mange start-up firmaer i Silicon Valley ligger underdrejet i de nuværende krisetider. Men de lave omkostninger ved at have et firma, der blot træder vande, går at mange overlever på smallkost.


At Faraday Media, a Palo Alto start-up that is trying to create a personalized version of the Internet for its users, there is no revenue, no office space (the five employees work from their homes) and little chance of raising any capital from the newly miserly angel investors who would otherwise support a start-up of its size.

Chris Saad, Faraday Media’s founder, said the company saw no reason to give up. “We are committed to the idea that the company and technology we are building is fundamentally going to reshape the Web,” he said. “We are committed to investing our time into this for as long as it takes.” (fra New York Times)