onsdag den 28. marts 2012

Start med noget

Teorien om, at det er vigtigt at komme i gang med en ny virksomhed, men at produktet kan ændres undervejs - understreges af succes bag Draw something. NYT skriver:

“The entire company started as a joke, honestly,” Mr. Forman said. He saw the site as a form of entertainment, he said, and only later realized that people were spending a lot of time on it. To capitalize on that audience, he converted it into a game site and renamed it Omgpop. “It’s one for the record books,” he said of the success of the company. “It is something I did not expect.”

Mr. Forman brought on Dan Porter, the former president of Teach for America who had experience at other start-ups, to be chief executive in December 2008.

Omgpop raised $17 million from investors and made about 35 games, but was not bringing in much revenue. In fact it was on track to run out of money by May, and probably would have shut down by now if not for the wild success of Draw Something, according to two former employees who were familiar with its finances but insisted on anonymity because of confidentiality agreements.

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