mandag den 9. april 2012

En ven er i nærheden

En del nye apps ligner hinanden. De bruger eksempelvis Facebook for derefter at forbinde folk på en ny måde. En sådan app er Highlight, der sender en besked, hvis nogen af ens venner er i nærheden,

Highlight, a new mobile app that senses the people nearby and highlights the ones with friends, hometowns, schools and other connections in common. It's one of several mobile apps that are emerging to take social networking to a whole new, hyperlocal level.

The apps - which also include Kismet, Glancee and Sonar - come as nearly half of all U.S. adults own a smart phone and the number of Facebook users surpasses 845 million. Combined, it means that more and more people are walking around with their social network in their pocket, skriver San Francisco Chornicle. 

Er det en god ide til en ny start-up? Tja ....

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